
Revolutionizing B2B Mobile Ordering

Creative Direction, Branding, App Design

Embark on a transformative journey with Servaali, one of the leading importers in the alcohol sector in Finland.

Spearheading a 6-month project, we designed a seamlessly integrated B2B mobile ordering system to empower restaurant and bar managers.

Our mission was to optimize stock management, elevate purchase order size, boost order frequency, and enhance brand awareness.


From insightful interviews to a unique custom microservices backend architecture, our strategic design and seamless integration resulted in a robust platform for complex business logic. Achieving scalability and error reduction, our design approach showcased a successful transition to the new ordering system.

With a comprehensive monitoring system, client dashboard, and timeless interface design, Servaali experienced operational efficiency, expanded marketing reach, and future-proofed UX features.

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